At the pinnacle of the cloud certification track is the 1-day JNCIE-Cloud practical exam. This exam is designed to validate the cloud networking professionals’ ability to deploy, configure, manage, and troubleshoot Juniper Networks' cloud networking technologies. Throughout this 6-hour practical exam, candidates will build a cloud network consisting of multiple interconnected sites and services using cloud technologies. Successful candidates will perform system configuration on all devices including orchestration, fabric automation, multicloud deployment, contrail networking, analytics, and contrail security.
Recommended training for this certification
- JNCIE-Cloud Certification Self-Study Bundle
- All courses listed for the underlying certifications
- Exam code: JPR-911
- Lab Exam (Hands-on Lab)
- Held at selected Juniper Networks testing centers
- Exam length: 6 hours
- Software Releases:
- vMX Virtual Router: 18.1
- QFX Series Ethernet Switch:18.1 & 18.3
- Contrail Networking: 1908
- AppFormix: 3.0
- Non-Juniper Software Releases:
- VMware ESXi: 6.5.0
- VMware vCenter: 6.7
- Kubernetes: 1.12
- OpenStack: Queens with Kolla
Exam Objectives
- Orchestration
- Fabric Automation using Contrail Command
- Contrail Networking
- Contrail Security
- Monitoring Analytics and Telemetry
The certification is valid for three years. To view the recertification options, go to the Recertification webpage.