Red Hat Certified Cloud-Native Developer (RHC-CND)

A Red Hat Certified Cloud-Native Developer has demonstrated the ability to use the Quarkus framework to implement simple microservices using Java and Kubernetes.

A Red Hat Certified Cloud-native Developer is able to use Quarkus to:

  • Interact with persistent database entities.
  • Create RESTful endpoints.
  • Call other microservices using RESTful endpoints.
  • Implement Health checks for automated availability testing.
  • Implement tight web-based security access features.
  • Use Quarkus features to ensure fault tolerance.
  • Implement metrics to enable monitoring and resource management.

The Red Hat Certified Cloud-Native Developer certification is designed for:

  • Java developers who are implementing microservices using Quarkus and Kubernetes

Recommended training for this certification

In preparation to earn the Red Hat Certified Cloud-native Developer certification, Red Hat recommends the following courses:

Red Hat Cloud-native Microservices Development with Quarkus (DO378)
