Red Hat Container Adoption Boot Camp for Developers (DO720) – Outline

Detailed Course Outline

Introduction and Overview of Containers

Describe how containers facilitate application development

Podman Basics

Manage and run containers with Podman

Container Images

Navigate container registries to find and manage container images

Custom Container Images

Build custom container images to containerize applications

Persisting Data

Run database containers with persistence

Troubleshooting Containers

Analyze container logs and configure a remote debugger

Multi-container Applications with Compose

Run multi-container applications with Podman Compose

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform for Developers

Define the Red Hat OpenShift architecture, concepts and terminology, and set up the developer environment

Deploying Simple Applications

Deploy simple applications by using the Red Hat OpenShift web console and command-line tools

Building and Publishing Container Images

Build, deploy, and manage the lifecycle of container images by using a container registry

Managing Red Hat OpenShift Builds

Describe the Red Hat OpenShift build process and build container images

Managing Red Hat OpenShift Deployments

Describe the different Red Hat OpenShift deployment strategies and how to monitor the health of applications

Deploying Multi-container Applications

Deploy multi-container applications by using Red Hat OpenShift Templates, Helm Charts and Kustomize

Introducing the Red Hat Build of Quarkus

Describe the components and patterns of microservices-based application architectures and the features of the Red Hat Build of Quarkus

Developing Cloud-native Microservices with Quarkus

Implement microservices based applications by using the Red Hat Build of Quarkus runtime and associated developer tooling

Testing Quarkus Microservices

Implement unit and integration tests for microservices

Securing Quarkus Microservices

Secure microservice communications by applying origin validation, request authentication and authorization

Implementing Quarkus Microservices on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Develop and deploy cloud-native applications on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Implementing Fault Tolerance in Microservices

Implement fault tolerance in a microservice architecture

Monitoring Quarkus Microservices

Monitor the operation of a microservice by using metrics and distributed tracing