Using Splunk Application Performance Monitoring (USAPM) – Outline

Detailed Course Outline

Module 1 – Overview of Splunk APM

  • Describe the Splunk Observability Solution
  • Identify the key elements of Splunk APM
  • Differentiate between metrics, traces and logs

Module 2 – Environments, Services, and Endpoints

  • Define environments, services, endpoints, and operations
  • Navigate the core Splunk APM pages and service views

Module 3 – Traces, Spans, and Tags

  • Explore spans, traces, and APM metrics in more detail
  • Navigate the Splunk APM trace and tag spotlight views
  • Explore tags and MetricSets

Module 4 – Troubleshooting Using Splunk APM

  • Create custom APM dashboards and charts
  • Create detectors to alert on APM metrics
  • Troubleshoot an issue after an alert triggers