Award for innovation, strong growth and activities around sales enablement

Fast Lane Netherlands receives VMware award for Rising Star of the Year

During the annual VMware event VMWORLD in Barcelona Fast Lane The Netherlands received the VMware Learning Partner award for Rising Star of the Year.

This single entity award is designed to identify leaders in innovation through demonstrating growth as a VATC (VMware Authorized Training Center) and VERP (VMware Education Reseller Partner) and maximizing opportunities.

Herman Goedman, Managing Director, Fast Lane Benelux: "After VMware accredited us as a VMware Authorized Training Center (VATC) at the end of 2015, we invested in building a strong and direct relationship with VMware. This relationship enabled us to align our training portfolio and our training schedule to the current market developments. We are very proud to have received this award as an appreciation of our efforts."

Our complete VMware training portfolio
Our VMware training schedule

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Über Fast Lane

Fast Lane ist weltweiter, mehrfach ausgezeichneter Spezialist für Technologie- und Business-Trainings sowie Beratungsleistungen zur digitalen Transformation. Als einziger globaler Partner der drei Cloud-Hyperscaler Microsoft, AWS und Google und Partner von 30 weiteren führenden IT-Herstellern wie Cisco, Aruba, NVIDIA, appliedAI, VMware, NetApp, Palo Alto Networks, Red Hat, Fortinet, Barracuda, Gigamon u.a. bietet Fast Lane beliebig skalierbare Qualifizierungslösungen und Professional Services an. Mehr als 4.000 erfahrene Fast Lane Experten trainieren und beraten Kunden jeder Größenordnung in 90 Ländern weltweit in den Bereichen Cloud, künstliche Intelligenz, Cybersecurity, Software Development, Wireless und Mobility, Modern Workplace sowie Management und Leadership Skills, IT- und Projektmanagement.

Weitere Informationen:

Fast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer GmbH

Gasstraße 4a, D-22761 Hamburg

Barbara Jansen
Tel. +49 40 253346-10