Big Data & Analytics Training
Die Vernetzung von Milliarden von Geräten aller Art produziert eine enorme Menge an Daten, die zur sinnvollen Nutzung angemessen verwaltet und analysiert werden müssen.
Wir bieten Ihnen umfassende Trainingsprogramme an, die Sie für die Erschließung, Vernetzung, Analyse und Auswertung großer strukturierter und unstrukturierter Datenbestände benötigen.
Onsite Training
Maßgeschneiderte Unternehmensschulungen in einem unserer Trainingszentren oder bei Ihnen vor Ort
Big Data Consulting
Fast Lane Big Data und Database Trainings
Big Data, Oracle-Datenbankworkshops und mehr
Cisco Big Data & Analytics Trainings
Big Data Lösungen, Cisco UCS Big Data Produkte, Cisco Information Server, Business Directory und mehr
Cloudera Big Data & Analytics Trainings
Spark & Hadoop, MapReduce und mehr
Cloudera Apache Hadoop Training
- NEU Administrating Cloudera Data Platform (ADMIN-230)
- NEU Monitoring with Cloudera Observability (ADMIN-231)
- NEU Building Secure Cloudera Clusters (ADMIN-332)
- NEU Running Cloudera Private Cloud (ADMIN-335)
- NEU Running Cloudera Public Cloud with Data Services (ADMIN-336)
- Cloudera Training for Apache Kafka (CTAK)
Microsoft Big Data & Analytics Trainings
Data Warehouse, Business Intelligence, Big Data Solutions und mehr
IBM Big Data & Analytics Trainings
Cognos, SPSS, OpenPages, Clarity, Enterprise Content Management, Information Management und mehr
DS&BA - Cognos Analytics
HDM - Db2 for z/OS
UGI - DataStage
Oracle Big Data & Analytics Trainings
Big Data Essentials, NoSQL und mehr
Oracle Database 18c
Oracle Entwicklungswerkzeuge
- Praxisworkshop Oracle Application Express: Grundlagen (OAPEXGL)
- Oracle Analytics Server: Analysen und Dashboards – Grundlagen für Autoren (OASERV)
- Praxisworkshop Verwaltung mit Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (OEMCCUS)
- Praxisworkshop Oracle Database Appliance (ODA) (ODA1)
- Oracle Application Express (APEX) Workshop I (D79653)
- Praxisworkshop Einführung in die WildFly-Administration (APPSERV)
- Praxisworkshop Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control: Installation und Wartung (OEMCCIU)
- Oracle Data Integrator 12c: Integration and Administration (D82167)
Splunk Trainings
Grundlagen und Administration
Foundational Training
Trending Splunk Courses
Splunk Role-Based Learning Paths
Search Expert
- Scheduling Reports & Alerts (SRA)
- Visualizations (SVZ)
- Working with Time (WWT)
- Statistical Processing (SSP)
- Comparing Values (SCV)
- Result Modification (SRM)
- Leveraging Lookups and Subsearches (LLS)
- Correlation Analysis (SCLAS)
- Search Under the Hood (SUH)
- Multivalue Fields (SMV)
- Search Optimization (SSO)
Knowledge Manager
- Intro to Knowledge Objects (IKO)
- Creating Knowledge Objects (CKO)
- Creating Field Extractions (CFE)
- Enriching Data with Lookups (EDL)
- Data Models (SDM)
- Introduction to Dashboards (ITD)
- Introduction to Dashboards (Free e-Learning) (ITDF)
- Dynamic Dashboards (SDD)
- Search Optimization (SSO)
- Creating Maps (SCM)
Data Science Analyst
- Scheduling Reports & Alerts (SRA)
- Visualizations (SVZ)
- Working with Time (WWT)
- Statistical Processing (SSP)
- Comparing Values (SCV)
- Result Modification (SRM)
- Leveraging Lookups and Subsearches (LLS)
- Correlation Analysis (SCLAS)
- Search Under the Hood (SUH)
- Multivalue Fields (SMV)
- Intro to Knowledge Objects (IKO)
- Creating Field Extractions (CFE)
- Search Optimization (SSO)
- Splunk for Analytics and Data Science (SADS)
- Exploring and Analyzing Data with Splunk (EADS)
Splunk Cloud Administrator
Splunk Enterprise Administrator
- Intro to Knowledge Objects (IKO)
- Creating Knowledge Objects (CKO)
- Creating Field Extractions (CFE)
- Enriching Data with Lookups (EDL)
- Data Models (SDM)
- Splunk Enterprise System Administration (SESA)
- Splunk Enterprise Data Administration (SEDA)
- Troubleshooting Splunk Enterprise (TSE)
- Splunk Enterprise Cluster Administration (SCLA)
- Transitioning to Splunk Cloud (TSC)
- Implementing Splunk SmartStore (ISS)
Splunk Enterprise Architect
- Intro to Knowledge Objects (IKO)
- Creating Knowledge Objects (CKO)
- Creating Field Extractions (CFE)
- Enriching Data with Lookups (EDL)
- Data Models (SDM)
- Splunk Enterprise System Administration (SESA)
- Splunk Enterprise Data Administration (SEDA)
- Troubleshooting Splunk Enterprise (TSE)
- Splunk Enterprise Cluster Administration (SCLA)
- Architecting Splunk Enterprise Deployments (ASED)
- Splunk Deployment Practical Lab (SDPL)
- Splunk Enterprise Architect Fast Start (ARCH-FT)
Splunk Enterprise Developer
- Visualizations (SVZ)
- Working with Time (WWT)
- Statistical Processing (SSP)
- Leveraging Lookups and Subsearches (LLS)
- Intro to Knowledge Objects (IKO)
- Creating Knowledge Objects (CKO)
- Creating Field Extractions (CFE)
- Introduction to Dashboards (ITD)
- Introduction to Dashboards (Free e-Learning) (ITDF)
- Dynamic Dashboards (SDD)
- Splunk Enterprise System Administration (SESA)
- Splunk Enterprise Data Administration (SEDA)
- Building Splunk Classic Apps (BAWS)
- Using the Splunk REST API (DSRAPI)
- Splunk Developer Fast Start (DEV-FT)
SOC Analyst (Enterprise Security)
- Scheduling Reports & Alerts (SRA)
- Visualizations (SVZ)
- Leveraging Lookups and Subsearches (LLS)
- Search Under the Hood (SUH)
- Intro to Knowledge Objects (IKO)
- Introduction to Dashboards (ITD)
- Introduction to Dashboards (Free e-Learning) (ITDF)
- Using Splunk Enterprise Security (USES)
- NEU SOC Essentials: Investigating and Threat Hunting (SEITH)
SOC Administrator (Enterprise Security) On-Prem
- Search Under the Hood (SUH)
- Intro to Knowledge Objects (IKO)
- Creating Knowledge Objects (CKO)
- Creating Field Extractions (CFE)
- Enriching Data with Lookups (EDL)
- Data Models (SDM)
- Introduction to Dashboards (ITD)
- Introduction to Dashboards (Free e-Learning) (ITDF)
- Dynamic Dashboards (SDD)
- Splunk Enterprise System Administration (SESA)
- Splunk Enterprise Data Administration (SEDA)
- Administering Splunk Enterprise Security (ASES)
SOAR Administrator (Phantom)
SOC Administrator (Enterprise Security) Cloud
- Visualizations (SVZ)
- Leveraging Lookups and Subsearches (LLS)
- Search Under the Hood (SUH)
- Intro to Knowledge Objects (IKO)
- Creating Knowledge Objects (CKO)
- Creating Field Extractions (CFE)
- Enriching Data with Lookups (EDL)
- Data Models (SDM)
- Introduction to Dashboards (ITD)
- Introduction to Dashboards (Free e-Learning) (ITDF)
- Splunk Cloud Administration (SCA)
- Administering Splunk Enterprise Security (ASES)
IT Analyst (IT Service Intelligence)
IT Administrator (IT Service Intelligence) Cloud
- Visualizations (SVZ)
- Scheduling Reports & Alerts (SRA)
- Implementing Splunk IT Service Intelligence (ISITSI)
- Working with Time (WWT)
- Correlation Analysis (SCLAS)
- Intro to Knowledge Objects (IKO)
- Creating Knowledge Objects (CKO)
- Creating Field Extractions (CFE)
- Data Models (SDM)
- Introduction to Dashboards (ITD)
- Introduction to Dashboards (Free e-Learning) (ITDF)
- Splunk Cloud Administration (SCA)
IT Administrator (IT Service Intelligence) On-Prem
- Scheduling Reports & Alerts (SRA)
- Implementing Splunk IT Service Intelligence (ISITSI)
- Visualizations (SVZ)
- Working with Time (WWT)
- Correlation Analysis (SCLAS)
- Search Under the Hood (SUH)
- Intro to Knowledge Objects (IKO)
- Creating Knowledge Objects (CKO)
- Creating Field Extractions (CFE)
- Data Models (SDM)
- Introduction to Dashboards (ITD)
- Introduction to Dashboards (Free e-Learning) (ITDF)
- Splunk Enterprise System Administration (SESA)
- Splunk Enterprise Data Administration (SEDA)
Splunk Observability
- Introduction to Splunk Observability (eLearning) (ISO)
- Introduction to Splunk IM (eLearning) (ISIM)
- Fundamentals of Metrics Monitoring in Splunk Observability Cloud (SIMF)
- Visualizing and Alerting in Splunk Observability Cloud (VASIM)
- Using SignalFlow in Splunk Observability Cloud (AURSAPI)
- Using the Splunk IM Terraform Provider (USIMTP)
- Kubernetes Monitoring with Splunk Observability Cloud (KMWS)
- Ingesting Application Metrics in Splunk Observability Cloud (IAMSIM)
- Splunk Observability Cloud: Teams (SOCT)
- Splunk Observability Cloud: Enterprise Features (SOCEF)
- Using Splunk Log Observer Connect (USLO)
- Using Splunk Synthetic Monitoring (RIGOR) (USSM)
- Using Splunk Application Performance Monitoring (USAPM)
- Splunk On-Call Administration (SOCA)
- NEU Configuring Tracing and Profiling for Splunk APM (CTPAPM)
- Manual Instrumentation with Splunk APM (IASAPM)
- Using Splunk Real User Monitoring (RUM) (USRUM)
- Responding to Incidents in Splunk On-Call (IRSOC)
Splunk Training
- Administering Splunk Enterprise Security (ASES)
- Administering Splunk SOAR (ASOAR)
- Advanced SOAR Implementation (ASOARI)
- Architecting Splunk Enterprise Deployments (ASED)
- Using SignalFlow in Splunk Observability Cloud (AURSAPI)
- Building Splunk Classic Apps (BAWS)
- Comparing Values (SCV)
- NEU Configuring Tracing and Profiling for Splunk APM (CTPAPM)
- Correlation Analysis (SCLAS)
- Creating Field Extractions (CFE)
- Creating Knowledge Objects (CKO)
- Creating Maps (SCM)
- Data Models (SDM)
- Developing SOAR Playbooks (DSOARP)
- Using the Splunk REST API (DSRAPI)
- Dynamic Dashboards (SDD)
- Enriching Data with Lookups (EDL)
- Implementing Splunk IT Service Intelligence (ISITSI)
- Implementing Splunk Data Stream Processor (DSP) (ISDSP)
- Implementing Splunk SmartStore (ISS)
- Ingesting Application Metrics in Splunk Observability Cloud (IAMSIM)
- Manual Instrumentation with Splunk APM (IASAPM)
- Introduction to Dashboards (ITD)
- Introduction to Dashboards (Free e-Learning) (ITDF)
- Intro to Knowledge Objects (IKO)
- Intro to Splunk (ITS)
- Introduction to Splunk IM (eLearning) (ISIM)
- Introduction to Splunk Observability (eLearning) (ISO)
- Kubernetes Monitoring with Splunk Observability Cloud (KMWS)
- Leveraging Lookups and Subsearches (LLS)
- Multivalue Fields (SMV)
- Responding to Incidents in Splunk On-Call (IRSOC)
- Result Modification (SRM)
- Scheduling Reports & Alerts (SRA)
- NEU SOC Essentials: Investigating and Threat Hunting (SEITH)
- Splunk Advanced Power User Fast Start (APU-FT)
- Search Optimization (SSO)
- Search Under the Hood (SUH)
- Services Core Implementation (SCI)
- Splunk Cloud Administration (SCA)
- Splunk Enterprise Cluster Administration (SCLA)
- Splunk Deployment Practical Lab (SDPL)
- Splunk Enterprise Data Administration (SEDA)
- Splunk Enterprise System Administration (SESA)
- Splunk Foundation Fast Start (SF-FS)
- Fundamentals of Metrics Monitoring in Splunk Observability Cloud (SIMF)
- Splunk Observability Cloud: Enterprise Features (SOCEF)
- Splunk for Analytics and Data Science (SADS)
- Splunk Observability Cloud: Teams (SOCT)
- Splunk On-Call Administration (SOCA)
- Statistical Processing (SSP)
- Transitioning to Splunk Cloud (TSC)
- Troubleshooting Splunk Enterprise (TSE)
- Using Choropleth (SUC)
- Using Fields (SUF)
- Using Fields (Free) (SUFF)
- Using Splunk Application Performance Monitoring (USAPM)
- Using Splunk Enterprise Security (USES)
- Using the Splunk IM Terraform Provider (USIMTP)
- Using Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring (USIM)
- Using Splunk IT Service Intelligence (USISI)
- Using Splunk Log Observer Connect (USLO)
- Using Splunk Mission Control (USMC)
- Using Splunk Real User Monitoring (RUM) (USRUM)
- Using Splunk Synthetic Monitoring (RIGOR) (USSM)
- Visualizations (SVZ)
- Visualizing and Alerting in Splunk Observability Cloud (VASIM)
- Working with Metrics in Splunk (WWMS)
- Working with Time (WWT)
Splunk Fast Start Program
Splunk Learning Paths
- Search Expert Learning Path (SE-RBLP)
- Knowledge Manager Learning Path (KM-RBLP)
- Data Science Analyst Learning Path (DSA-RBLP)
- Cloud Administrator Learning Path (CA-RBLP)
- Splunk Enterprise Administrator Learning Path (EADM-RBLP)
- Enterprise Developer Learning Path (ED-RBLP)
- SOAR Administrator Learning Path (SOAR-RBLP)
- IT Analyst Learning Path (ITA-RBLP)
- IT Administrator (IT Service Intelligence) Cloud Learning Path (ITADMC-RBLP)
- IT Administrator (IT Service Intelligence) On-Prem Learning Path (ITADMO-RBLP)
- Splunk Observability (Developers) Learning Path (SO-DEV-RBLP)
- Splunk Observability (DevOps) Learning Path (SO-DEVOPS-RBLP)
- Splunk Observability (Site Reliability Engineer) Learning Path (SO-SRE-RBLP)
- Splunk Core Certified User Learning Path (SCCU-CBLP)
- Splunk Core Certified Power User Learning Path (SCCPU-CBLP)
- Splunk Core Certified Advanced Power User Learning Path (SPCCAPU-CBLP)
- Splunk Core Certified Advanced Power User: Fast Track (SPCCAPU-FT)
- Splunk Cloud Certified Admin (On-Prem): Fast Track (SCCAOP-FT)
- Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin: Fast Track (SECA-FT)
- Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect Learning Path (SPECA-CBLP)
- Splunk SOAR Certified Automation Developer Learning Path (SOARAD-CBLP)
- Splunk Core Certified Developer Learning Path (SCD-CBLP)
Splunk Topseller
- Splunk Enterprise System Administration (SESA)
- Splunk Enterprise Data Administration (SEDA)
- Splunk Enterprise Administration Fast Start (ADM-FT)
- Troubleshooting Splunk Enterprise (TSE)
- Splunk Enterprise Cluster Administration (SCLA)
- Architecting Splunk Enterprise Deployments (ASED)
- Splunk Enterprise Architect Fast Start (ARCH-FT)
- Using Splunk Enterprise Security (USES)
- Administering Splunk Enterprise Security (ASES)
- Splunk Search Expert Fast Start (SE-FS)
- Splunk Deployment Practical Lab (SDPL)
- Splunk Cloud Administration (SCA)
- Using Splunk IT Service Intelligence (USISI)
- Developing SOAR Playbooks (DSOARP)