Course Overview
This course introduces tasks used by database administrators or system managers to manage and protect a NonStop SQL/MX database and applications that access the database.
Who should attend
- Database administrators •System managers •Personnel responsible for the availability of NonStop SQL/MX databases and applications
- NonStop SQL/MX Basics (U4184S) •NonStop SQL/MX Quick Start (U4185S)
Course Objectives
- Describe HP NonStop SQL/MX architecture
- Install SQL/MX and upgrade SQL/MX metadata to current release
- Create, alter, and drop SQL/MX database objects (catalogs, schemas, tables, constraints, indexes, views, and triggers)
- Grant and revoke access privileges to SQL/MX database objects
- Import data into SQL/MX non-partitioned and range and hash partitioned tables
- Protect and recover SQL/MX database objects with HP NonStop Transaction Management Facility
- Use the MODIFY utility to add, split, merge, and drop SQL/MX range and hash partitioned tables
- Describe and use the SQL/MX utilities (DUP, import, migrate, MODIFY, mxtool, mxexportddl, MXGNAMES, POPULATE INDEX, and PURGEDATA)
- Describe the SQL.MX distributed database
- Become familiar with the SQL/MX architecture using SQL/MX native tables
- Create and manage SQL/MX database objects