Preparing with Cloudera Data Engineering (PCDE)


Course Overview

This four-day hands-on training course delivers the key concepts and knowledge developers need to use Apache Spark to develop high-performance, parallel applications on the Cloudera Data Platform (CDP).

Hands-on exercises allow students to practice writing Spark applications that integrate with CDP core components. Participants will learn how to use Spark SQL to query structured data, how to use Hive features to ingest and denormalize data, and how to work with “big data” stored in a distributed file system.

After taking this course, participants will be prepared to face real-world challenges and build applications to execute faster decisions, better decisions, and interactive analysis, applied to a wide variety of use cases, architectures, and industries.

Who should attend

This course is designed for developers and data engineers. All students are expected to have basic Linux experience, and basic proficiency with either Python or Scala programming languages.


Basic knowledge of SQL is helpful. Prior knowledge of Spark and Hadoop is not required.

Course Objectives

During this course, you will learn how to:

  • Distribute, store, and process data in a CDP cluster
  • Write, configure, and deploy Apache Spark applications
  • Use the Spark interpreters and Spark applications to explore, process, and analyze distributed data
  • Query data using Spark SQL, DataFrames, and Hive tables
  • Deploy a Spark application on the Data Engineering Service

Course Content

  • HDFS Introduction
  • YARN Introduction
  • Working with RDDs
  • Working with DataFrames
  • Introduction to Apache Hive
  • Working with Apache Hive
  • Hive and Spark Integration
  • Distributed Processing Challenges
  • Spark Distributed Processing
  • Spark Distributed Persistence
  • Data Engineering Service
  • Workload XM
  • Appendix: Working with Datasets in Scala

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training

4 days

  • US$ 3,520.—
Classroom Training

4 days

  • Germany: US$ 3,520.—
  • Switzerland: US$ 5,250.—

Currently there are no training dates scheduled for this course.