Power Systems for AIX - Virtualization II: Advanced PowerVM and Performance (AN31G)


Who should attend

This advanced course is for anyone responsible for implementing and managing virtualization features on a System p server including:

  • AIX technical support individuals
  • System administrators
  • Systems engineers
  • System Architects


  • Power Systems for AIX I: LPAR Planning and Configuration (AN11) or (AX11) or
  • Power Systems for AIX - Virtualization I: Implementing Virtualization (AN30) or (AX30)

or have equivalent LPAR skills

  • Power Systems for AIX I: LPAR Configuration and Planning (AN11G)
  • Power Systems for AIX - Virtualization I: Implementing Virtualization (AN30G)

Course Objectives

  • Describe the effect of the IBM PowerVM virtualization features on performance and monitoring, such as:
    • Simultaneous multithreading (SMT), shared processors, multiple shared processor pools (MSPP), shared dedicated capacity, Active Memory Sharing (AMS), Active Memory Expansion (AME), Live Partition Mobility (LPM), and other virtualization features
  • Interpret the outputs of AIX performance monitoring and tuning tools used to view the impact of features such as SMT, shared processors, additional shared processor pool activations, and device virtualization.
  • Perform a Live Partition Mobility between two Power Systems servers
  • Configure and monitor Active Memory Expansion
  • Configure the Suspend and Resume and Active Memory Sharing features available with the Virtual I/O Server
  • Implement the deduplication feature of Active Memory Sharing

Course Content

  • Day 1
    • Welcome
    • Unit 1: PowerVM features review
    • Exercise 1: Introduction to the lab environment
    • Unit 2: Shared processors and virtual processor tuning
    • Exercise 2: Shared processors and virtual processor tuning
  • Day 2
    • Unit 3: Configuring multiple shared processor pools and donating dedicated processors
    • Exercise 3: Configuring multiple shared processor pools and donating dedicated processors
    • Unit 4: Active Memory Sharing
    • Exercise 4: Active Memory Sharing
  • Day 3
    • Exercise 4: Active Memory Sharing (continued)
    • Unit 5: Active Memory Expansion
    • Exercise 5: Active Memory Expansion
    • Unit 6: I/O device virtualization performance and tuning
  • Day 4
    • Unit 6: I/O device virtualization performance and tuning (continued)
    • Exercise 6: I/O device virtualization performance and tuning
    • Unit 7: Live Partition Mobility
    • Exercise 7: Live Partition Mobility
  • Day 5
    • Unit 8: Suspend and resume
    • Exercise 8: Suspend and resume
    • Unit 9: Virtualization management tools
    • Wrap up/Evaluations

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training

4.5 days

  • 3,990.— € (excl. tax)
    4,748.10 € (incl. 19% tax)

Courseware language: English

Classroom Training

5 days

  • Germany:
    3,990.— € (excl. tax)
    4,748.10 € (incl. 19% tax)

Courseware language: English


Instructor-led Online Training:   Course conducted online in a virtual classroom.


European Time Zones

Online Training
Online Training
Online Training
Online Training

