Who should attend
Specialists and managers, team leaders, project managers.
No special knowledge is required.
Course Content
- Definition of the objective
- Determination of the focal points
- Reduction to the necessary
- ABC analysis
Self-management in the speech situation
- The inner script
- Setting and achieving goals
- Positive use of stage fright
- Thought and speech blocks
- Positive Ressourcen
- Speaking and breathing technique
- Body language
- The positive first impression
Various speech occasions
- Factual presentation
- persuasive speech
- Impromptu speech
Structure of lecture and speech
- Speech forms
- Outline types and options
- Introduction and conclusion
- Figures of speech
- Rhetorical stylistic devices
- Keyword manuscript
Orientation to the listener
- First stages of contact
- Attention generation
- Perception and interpretation of the signals of the listeners
- Presentation of arguments in a way that is appropriate for the audience
Objection handling
- Positive use of objections
- Various interests
- Important and justified objections
- Dealing with heckling, disruptions and unfair objections
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