Online Workshop 2: Correct use of a ticketing system (OW2-KET)


Course Overview

Employees learn how self-motivation is activated and controlled from within. They actively avoid their motivation killers, learn effective regeneration methods and support their self-efficacy. They support themselves independently in their self-discipline, so that the productivity of their work is guaranteed at all times, even in the home office.

Who should attend

All employees and superiors who work from the home office or in decentralized structures.

Course Objectives

The participants

  • can motivate themselves independently in the home office and do not require any impulses from outside
  • can actively and independently generate a sense of achievement
  • keep the energy level for working in the home office at a high level through good regeneration
  • remain constantly effective in the workplace
  • have a high degree of self-discipline
  • lead themselves in their daily work routine

Course Content

  • Active self-motivation in the home office
  • Recall self-motivation factors, avoid motivation killers
  • Generating success on a regular basis
  • Regeneration and self-efficacy
  • Self-discipline at the virtual workplace

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training

4 hours

  • 330.— € (excl. tax)
    392.70 € (incl. 19% tax)

Currently there are no training dates scheduled for this course.