Spring: Core Training (SCT)


Course Overview

This 4-day course offers hands-on experience with the major features of Spring and Spring Boot, which includes configuration, data access, REST, AOP, auto-configuration, actuator, security, and Spring testing framework to build enterprise and microservices applications. On completion, participants will have a foundation for creating enterprise and cloud-ready applications.

This course prepares students for the Spring Professional certification exam.

Who should attend

Application developers who want to increase their understanding of Spring and Spring Boot with hands-on experience and a focus on fundamentals.


Some developer experience using Java, an IDE (Eclipse, STS or IntelliJ) and build tools such as Maven or Gradle

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

  • Spring configuration using Java Configuration and Annotations
  • Aspect oriented programming with Spring
  • Testing Spring applications using JUnit 5
  • Spring Data Access - JDBC, JPA and Spring Data
  • Spring Transaction Management
  • Simplifying application development with Spring Boot
  • Spring Boot auto-configuration, starters and properties
  • Build a simple REST application using Spring Boot, embedded Web Server and fat JARs or classic WARs
  • Implementing REST client applications using RestTemplate and WebClient
  • Spring Security
  • Enable and extend metrics and monitoring capabilities using Spring Boot actuator
  • Utilize Spring Boot enhancements to testing

Course Content

  • Introduction to Spring
  • Spring JAVA Configuration: A Deeper Look
  • Annotation-based Dependency Injection
  • Factory Pattern in Spring
  • Advanced Spring: How Does Spring Work Internally?
  • Aspect-oriented programming
  • Testing a Spring-based Application
  • Data Accss and JDBC with Spring
  • Database Transactions with Spring
  • Spring Boot Introduction
  • Spring Boot Dependencies, Auto-configuration, and Runtime
  • JPA with Spring and Spring Data
  • Spring MVC Architecture and Overview
  • Rest with Spring MVC
  • Spring Security
  • Actuators, Metrics and Health Indicators
  • Spring Boot Testing Enhancements
  • Spring Security Oauth (Optional Topic)
  • Reactive Applications with Spring (Optional Topic)

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training

4 days

  • 3,000.— €
  • VMware PSO Credits: 37
    excl. tax

Courseware language: English

Classroom Training

4 days

  • Germany: 3,000.— €
  • Switzerland: CHF 3,960.—
  • VMware PSO Credits: 37
    excl. tax

Courseware language: English

Currently there are no training dates scheduled for this course.