Linux-Systemadministration ist eine der gefragtesten Fähigkeiten in der IT. Egal, ob Sie auf der Suche nach einer Experten-Testvorbereitung für die Linux-Foundation-Certified-System Administration-Zertifizierung sind, eine Schulung benötigen, um eine neue Linux-IT-Karriere zu starten, von einer anderen Plattform auf Linux umsteigen oder einfach nur Ihre Sysadmin-Kenntnisse auffrischen möchten, in diesem Kurs lernen Sie, was Sie wissen müssen.
Dieser Kurs ist eine hervorragende Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung zur Linux Foundation Certified System Administration (LFCS).
Dieser Kurs vermittelt den Teilnehmern die notwendigen Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten, um als professioneller Linux-Systemadministrator arbeiten zu können. Die Teilnehmer sollten Grundkenntnisse über Linux und die gängigsten Werkzeuge und Texteditoren haben.
- Linux Foundation
- Linux Foundation Training
- Linux Foundation Certifications
- Laboratory Exercises, Solutions and Resources
- E-Learning Course: LFS201
- Distribution Details
- Labs
Linux Filesystem Tree Layout
- Data Distinctions
- FHS Linux Standard Directory Tree
- root (/) directory
- /bin
- /boot
- /dev
- /etc
- /home
- /lib and /lib64
- /media
- /mnt
- /opt
- /proc
- /sys
- /root
- /sbin
- /srv
- /tmp
- /usr
- /var
- /run
- Labs
- Programs and Processes
- Process Limits
- Creating Processes
- Process States
- Execution Modes
- Daemons
- niceness
- Libraries
- Signals
- Labs
Package Management Systems
- Software Packaging Concepts
- RPM (Red Hat Package Manager)
- DPKG (Debian Package)
- Revision Control Systems
- Labs
Package Installers
- Package Installers
- yum
- zypper
- Labs
System Monitoring
- System Monitoring
- Process Monitoring
- Memory Monitoring and Tuning
- Network Monitoring
- I/O Monitoring
- I/O Scheduling **
- System Log Files
- sar **
- Labs
Linux Filesystems
- Filesystem Basics
- Virtual Filesystem (VFS)
- Available Filesystems
- Filesystem Concepts
- Disk and Filesystem Usage
- Extended Attributes
- ext4
- XFS **
- btrfs **
- Labs
Partitioning and Formatting Disks
- Common Disk Types
- Disk Geometry
- Partitioning
- Naming Disk Devices
- Sizing up partitions
- Partition table editors
- Labs
More on Linux Filesystems
- Creating and formatting filesystems
- Checking and Repairing Filesystems
- Mounting filesystems
- automount
- Swap
- Filesystem Quotas **
- Labs
Encrypting Disks
- Filesystem Encryption
- Using an Encrypted Partition
- Labs
- Logical Volume Management (LVM)
- Volumes and Volume Groups
- Working with Logical Volumes
- Resizing Logical Volumes
- LVM Snapshots **
- RAID **
- RAID Levels **
- Software RAID Configuration **
- Labs
Kernel Services and Configuration
- Kernel Overview
- Kernel Configuration
- sysctl
- Kernel Modules
- Module Utilities
- Module Configuration
- udev and Device Management
- Labs
Virtualization Overview
- Introduction to Virtualization
- Emulation
- Hypervisors
- libvirt
- Labs
Containers Overview
- Containers
- Docker
- Docker Commands
- Labs
User and Group Account Management
- User Accounts
- Management
- Passwords
- Restricted Shells and Accounts **
- The root Account
- Group Management
- PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)
- Authentication Process
- Configuring PAM
- LDAP Authentication **
- File Permissions and Ownership
- Labs
- IP Addresses
- Hostnames
- Network Devices
- ip and ifconfig
- Network Configuration Files
- Network Manager
- Routing
- DNS and Hostname Resolution
- Network Diagnostics
- Labs
- Firewalls
- Interfaces
- firewalld
- Zones
- Source Management
- Service and Port Management
- Labs
System Startup and Shutdown
- Understanding the Boot Sequence
- System Configuration Files in /etc
- Shutting down/Rebooting the System
- The Grand Unified Boot Loader
- GRUB Configuration Files
- The init Process
- systemd
- SysVinit Startup **
- chkconfig and service **
- Upstart **
- Labs
Backup and Recovery Methods
- Backup Basics
- cpio **
- tar
- Compression: gzip, bzip2 and xz and Backups
- dd
- rsync
- dump and restore **
- mt **
- Backup Programs **
- Labs
Linux Security Modules
- Linux Security Modules
- SELinux
- AppArmor
- Labs
Local System Security
- Local System Security
- Creating a Security Policy
- Updates and Security
- Physical Security
- Filesystem Security
- Labs
Basic Troubleshooting and System Rescue
- Troubleshooting Overview
- Things to Check: Networking
- Boot Process Failures
- Filesystem Corruption and Recovery
- Virtual Consoles
- Rescue Media and Troubleshooting
- System Rescue and Recovery
- Labs